Anthony and I have always had two dog-children. To say they are spoiled is an understatement. Jack and Willy go on vacation, sleep in our bed (really it's their bed and we are invited in), attend our parties, eat gourmet food, and have a wardrobe that includes a kilt and a really cute Santa suit.
As with most parents, I feel my dogs are the best at everything. In my mind, they are the best behaved, cutest and smartest dogs on the planet. That is until my recent visit to the vets
I had to take Willy, our four year old miniature long haired dachsund, in for his checkup. I don't know what it is, but dogs seem to know the minute they get in the car if this is a going to be a fun trip or a visit to the doctor. Why they are afraid of the doctor is beyond me, it's like they can smell the fear as soon as they walk in.
As I was waiting to be called in, there were two other parents with really sweet dog-children. One was a medium sized fluffy white poodle, the other was the cutest baby Lab. The Lab was playful and not shy. He went up to the other dog and quickly became friends with him. Both their tails were wagging and it was obvious they really liked each other. The parents, thought it was really cute how much their kids liked each other and decided they should made a play date.
I have to admit I was jealous, I wanted to be included. Willy and I had never been invited on a play date. Maybe this would be my chance. If I could entice the Lab over and Willy charmed him, we would be in. "Come here", I beckoned, "you are so cute, awe, come on, come on". The popular dog in class finally came over and I put out my hand to pet him. This was going to be great. Willy and I would finally be members of the canine in-crowd. It was going really well, until Willy decided he didn't want any new friends. As this cute baby, innocent Yellow Lab let me pet him, Willy suddenly snapped at him. I had no idea he had teeth, let alone this snippy-dog attitude. At first I was stunned, then totally embarrassed. The Lab's Mom called her baby back to her and held him close. Willy didn't just stop there, he began barking at him as if to tell him that he hates him and not to ever come closer or he'd eat him.
I was mortified. My dog was the bad one. The one other people had to protect their babies from. I asked the receptionist how much longer it was going to be and she quickly escorted me and Willy into the exam room. I've seen this done before, usually when a dog is misbehaving and terrorizes others in the lobby. It was a puppy time out and we were being punished.
Needless to say, Willy has never been included in play dates. He prefers staying home and protecting his dad's. What a good boy!
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